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Homeschooling Support Made Easy!

There are some days as a homeschooler where you feel like throwing in the towel, and other days that your cup of coffee is so full--you feel like you finally found your groove. No two days are the same! Sunday can start out perfectly with your 14 year-old understanding how to solve an algebraic equation, until Monday you pick up the virus your younger child recovered from the day before, then by Tuesday your wi-fi begins to act spotty, Wednesday the printer runs out of ink, and Thursday your 3 year old keeps throwing cheerios on the ground while your 8 year old refuses to find the science book tucked underneath their bed. Everyone’s reason behind why they chose to walk down the path of homeschooling varies. However, the mom-educator who can equip herself with information for dealing with the day-to-day challenges as well as how to teach content will be able to create a home-classroom that can work for building a bullet-proof plan for her family.The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was asked about the act most pleasing to Allah. He replied: “That which is done continuously, even if it is small.”( Muslim, reported by ‘A’isha) This is why as a homeschooler, and/or parent looking to supplement our children’s academic and/or tarbiyyah needs--the key to developing a program that works is dependent on establishing a routine that can successfully work for our households. We believe that the level of how well a program works, also falls on the level of our planning. At Everyday Ibaadah we are constantly looking for programs which work to support the needs of mom-educators. Starting out this year, we would like to highlight a support program that we think is helping to make a difference in homes around the world.

Why do we like Umm Maimoonah’s online workshops and courses? The biggest challenges parents often face with homeschooling is not knowing where to start. Umm Maimoonah helps take the struggle out of the process by showing parents how to develop individualized plans that can work for their unique family needs. For 10 years, she has been recording her home school journey in a blog at:

She's been sharing her experiences, providing free resources, and offering support to other moms. After receiving a lot of positive feedback from mothers around the world, she began to offer a variety of online workshops and courses at Umm Maimoonah's Online Workshops & Courses geared towards educators, parents, girls between the ages of 3 and 16, and boys up until the age of 9. Workshops help parents learn how to identify best practices for teaching, techniques for keeping students engaged, strategic lesson planning, and how to tap into individual strengths so that they can grow confident as home-educators.

How the Nurture Islam Series and online classes provide beneficial programming? Our team at Everyday Ibaadah believes that the Nurture Islam Series is a collection of quality materials that can help foster love of Islam amongst children. We love that her resources are based upon the Quran, and Sunnah as understood by the salafus saaliheen and relate to children in a fun and meaningful way! Curriculum that helps to grow confident Muslim children, is curriculum that parents can value. We are not just saying this because we have decided to collaborate with Umm Maimoonah for her Pre-Kinder Curriculum pack, but because the variety of resources that she offers families provide academic and tarbiyyah support we can get behind. Whether it’s helping you teach your child how to read to lesson planning. Her Ramadan resources have been priceless as well as the Islamic studies classes that she offers to children throughout the school year on a variety of topics. We encourage parents to enroll children in her courses, as well as benefit from being part of a network of home-educators. Knowing that we aren’t alone in our quest to give our children the best learning experiences that we can is a nihma in itself, by the grace and mercy of Allah. My daughter has enjoyed her classes. How about yours?

This February Umm Maimoonah will be offering classes for children with dates to be released soon. Check our main page and calendar for upcoming details.

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