My Kindergarten Math
Are you looking for a work
book that will help your kindergartener with Math! Order your copy today at 40% off.
My Kindergarten Language Arts
If you are looking for a workbook that can introduce your kindergartner to the beginning mechanics of language, grammar, reading, and writing with a Muslim focus then you found it.
My Kindergarten Science
This very much anticipated Science workbook with a Muslim centered focus will finally be in print within 2 weeks insha Allah. Stay tuned for details!


Ramadhaan 1441 Challenge Showcase
Need MUSLIM CENTERED LEARNING MATERIALS for your preschool or kindergartener? Click SHOP NOW
Learn about our New Online Academy Program today!
Looking for FREE LEARNING WORKSHEETS to download and print? Click FREE STUFF
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& EVENTS to hear monthly announcements
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Need Homeschool Support? You can email us to connect with a licensed academic counselor or Ummmaimoonah@gmail.com
We want to help you make your child's learning experience as easy as can be!
Our Blog:
What is Your Teen Doing This Ramadhaan?
This year Eid al-Fitr will look completely different than what we are used to experiencing around the world. If you are looking for ideas on how you can still keep Eid festive then check out the latest blog by Umm Faruq Maryam from Tarbiyyah Outside the Box.

Check out our latest blog post throughout the month of RAMADHAAN! We will be collaborating with Tarbiyah Outside the Box to provide information about how you can keep your children or teens engaged. We have FREE downloadable resources along with weekly Challenges! Stay tuned!
-The Team
Why We Create Curriculum>

To provide core curriculum Muslim children from around the world can see themselves reflected in
To connect learning to the purpose for which we were created---everyday ibaadah
Watch Umm Maimoonah's Collection of Daily Reminders Throughout the Month Ramadhaan!
Home School Support

Click on the free stuff section for printable resources you can use in your homeschool or classroom!