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Need help encouraging your child to read over these remaining days of Winter?

There is no doubt about it, teaching a child to read is an indispensable skill! Not only does it help develop language and communication skills, it also allows the child to prosper an imagination. In this age of technology, sadly, many children lack a sense of vivid imagination.

Reading can enable strong spelling skills and build a vast vocabulary. It can also help them to learn how to focus and be a better listener. A strong communicator is one who can share and exchange ideas with others. Lack of listening skills can result in major misunderstandings and lack of humility and empathy for others’ thoughts and feelings. Lacking the ability to read can inhibit a child from performing their best across subjects because they cannot read and understand the material.

Teaching Tip:

Build comprehension skills through reading. When reading to children, stop every once in awhile and ask them what they think is going to happen next. When the story is finished, ask if they could think of a better ending or ask if they would have made the same decisions as the characters. Ask open-ended questions about the characters’ feelings and choices they made. If they really enjoyed the story, encourage them to illustrate it with their own artwork and share with family or friends what they learned. Build a “Winter keepsake” by keeping a log of books read.

Reading is how we discover new things. The “child” stage in life where the zeal for learning new things is the highest must not be misused by countless hours of amusement in front of mobile phones and tablets.

We live in an age where we overflow with information, but setting realistic daily or weekly goals for your child and incentifying certain rewards can bring about a true enjoyment for reading.

Your local library can be a treasure-trove of literary knowledge available to families for FREE! Also check out this amazing reading program! is a great option!

Why? Would you like to customize your own Winter Reading Program? allows parents or teachers to track reading activity, customize your own reading incentives, create your own list of recommended books and more! Check out full details here at www//

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